About the Teen Literary Magazine

Each Spring, local teens in grades six through twelve are invited to submit their original writing and artwork to the Dover Public Library for a chance to be published in the library’s Teen Literary Magazine, Tornado Alley. Print copies of the latest edition are available now at the library. Digital copies of all editions are available for viewing or downloading below. The submission deadline for 2025 will be February 28.
Any teen living in Tuscarawas County may submit up to four pieces for consideration. Submission categories are fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. Written submissions are to be typed. Art submissions are to be 8.5×11 color copies or photographs of the work. All submissions must have a title. Full submission guidelines can be found on the back of the submission form. Please be sure to read them carefully and follow the guidelines. Not following the rules may affect whether your piece is selected.

Each year, a team of teen editors will review the submissions. Each editor will receive a packet of work to review and return to the library with their comments. Meetings will be held with teen volunteers to design the magazine layout and discuss content. Selection will be finalized in March with both teen and adult input.
The literary magazine is funded by a 21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant with Dover High School, which supports communities in creating learning opportunities outside the classroom and providing funds for technology, like the library’s circulating technology. The 21st Century Grant also funded a Creative Writing Workshop at the library, a visit by YA author Mindy McGinnis, and the Mobile STEAM Lab.
A reception will be held for teen authors and artists each year. As part of the reception, teens are encouraged to read their pieces aloud.
The work published in Tornado Alley is the property of the individual creators.
See your work in print! Connect with other young artists and writers and help continue a teen tradition!
Questions? Call 330-343-6123 or email Liz.