The Dover Public Library is a great community library because of its many supporters. Here are some ways to get involved:
Bestow a Book
Honor the memory of a friend or relative by purchasing a book in his/her memory for the library’s collection. Select a category that reflects the loved one’s interest or allow the library to purchase a book in our area of greatest need. The chosen book(s) will carry a bookplate inscribed with both your names; the family of the deceased will receive a card that notifies them of your memorial gift. Forms can be found in the library or downloaded here.
Designated Gifts
You may wish to make a donation to support a particular department, service, portion of the collection or need of the library. Your gift, for example, can be directed to pay for a program or speaker, purchase meeting room equipment, or buy storytime supplies for the Children’s Department. Let us know what area you would like to provide financial help for and we’ll find a project that matches your level of contribution. Your contribution will be recognized in the library’s newsletter. Contact Jim Gill at 330-343-6123 for more information.
Planned Giving and Legacy Gifts
Many of the most significant legacy gifts to the Dover Public Library come from individuals who include a bequest in a will or through a trust. Some legacy gifts are started with a current gift and concluded with a bequest. Bequests can take several forms:
Residual: You can choose to donate all, a part or a percentage share of the balance of your estate to the library after disbursements to your family and other beneficiaries.
Specific amount: You can give a specific dollar amount or specific assets such as books or a special collection to the library.
Contingent: You can designate that the library will receive all or part of your estate if your named beneficiaries predecease you.
A trust with a remainder bequest: You may choose to create a trust that provides income to named beneficiaries. Upon the death of the named beneficiaries, all or part of the trust assets are donated to the library.
Volunteer Opportunities
The Dover Public Library has a variety of volunteer opportunities. The Library works to place Volunteers in a position that reflects their interests and/or skills. Volunteer placement is based on the qualifications of applicants and the needs of the library at any given time. Volunteer opportunities exist in every department, such as:
Preparing for children’s craft times Maintaining the discarded book sale shelf; Shelving library materials; Assisting in Summer Reading preparation; Copying and distributing brochures and signs.
How to Apply
It’s easy! Volunteer applications are available at the Circulation Desk or download the PDF version.
Volunteers must be Dover Public Library card holders. Return completed applications to the Information Desk or mail to:
Volunteer Coordinator
Dover Public Library
525 N. Walnut St.
Dover, Ohio 44622
Once you’ve turned in your application, you will be contacted by the Volunteer Coordinator about the possibility of volunteering with us. Working with you, the Library can match you with the right volunteer opportunity.
We’ll Work with You
Whether you have a few hours a week or would only like to volunteer on an occasional basis, the library will work with you. Weekly Volunteers are requested to work a minimum of 2 hours per week. Special Project Volunteers will be called on an “as needed” basis. Short term volunteer opportunities are available for individuals who are seeking to fulfill volunteer requirements for school or other organizations.