Senior Center Library

The Librarian is In!

Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Friday from 9:00 AM to Noon

in the Tuscarawas County Senior Center located at 425 Prospect St, in Dover

330 364-6611, Ext. 2116

In partnership with the Tuscarawas County Senior Center, the Dover Public Library is proud to offer reference, reader’s advisory, and technology help at the Senior Center Library! Browse a featured author every month, get your hands on popular paperbacks, check out a western, and more at this excellent little library, located right inside the Senior Center. You can also pick up your Dover Public Library reserves at the Senior Center Library! Contact our Senior Center Branch Librarian Linda Toohey during Senior Center Branch hours at 330 364-6611, Ext. 2116, at the Dover Public Library at 330-343-6123, or by email at

Notary Services at the Senior Center

Monday through Wednesday by Appointment

Library Linda is now a Notary! Make an appointment by calling the Senior Center 330-364-6611 (Ext. 2116 during branch hours). For more information on our Notary services, visit or call us at 330-343-6123.

Learn more about all of the great programs at the Senior Center at

Programs by Library Linda

The Library offers educational and entertaining programs on a wide variety of topics for area groups and facilities. Our dedicated “Library Linda” presents programs weekly at community centers, including all area care facilities. For more information, to book a program, or to see the latest list of available programs, contact Outreach Librarian Linda Toohey at

Travel the World with Linda

Now at the Tuscarawas County Senior Center!

The 2nd Thursday of Each Month at 12:15 PM

In partnership with New Dawn, the Dover Public Library took residents on a worldwide tour through a series of programs in 2019. Each month, participants virtually visited a different country and received a stamp in their program passport.

For 2020, the tour continued with visits to 12 new countries chosen by participants. This year’s itinerary includes: Egypt, Israel, Italy, Canada, Fiji, Peru, South Africa, the Philippines, Switzerland, the Bahamas, Australia, and Argentina.

Other countries on our tour have included Sierra Leone, Russia, Ireland, and Mexico, with more on the way each month!

Join Outreach Librarian Linda Toohey for fun and informative programs on locations all over the world, no jetlag! These monthly programs take place at the Tuscarawas County Senior Center on the second Thursday of the Month at 12:15. Each time you come to one of our travel programs, you get a unique sticker for your “passport.” No registration required!