Or Making up with Facebook
Usually, I get my social fill at work. As a public employee, I see and talk to people all day, every day. By the time I get home, I’m peopled out. I’m ready to play video games and just chill.
Now that I don’t see anyone except my cats all day… I basically jump at any chance for interaction with another human being.
On top of that, a lot of what I’m working on at home is through my old frenemy, Facebook.

I was on Facebook back when it was just college kids. Back then, I never put real photos online or posted anything that might be deemed inappropriate by a future employer. An overabundance of caution, maybe, but I’ve always kept Facebook at a distance.
Since then, that distance has done nothing but grow, to the point where I was only on Facebook for work and often went several days without checking.
Now, I’m back to checking multiple times a day, scrolling through my feed looking for interesting posts, making sure the world is still spinning, and watching Jack Black dance (click with caution).
And somehow, that’s led me to reconnecting with three people who, though they’ve had a great impact on my life, I haven’t spoken to in months or even years.

The first is a friend from Middle and High School. She’s in another state now and doing what she calls “Quarancrafts” every day to keep her sanity during this crisis. Her creations are inspirational, and I look forward to seeing them every day.
The second is a sorority sister who was bummed because she couldn’t read a book she’d been looking forward to because her library was closed. Well, I helped her find it digitally. It’s called The Family that Couldn’t Sleep, by the way, and you can put a hold on it on the Ohio Digital Library.
The third is a good friend who I just haven’t spoken to in a while. We caught up and have been having great conversations, mostly about creative writing. Jane Austen, and board games.
While I hope to never have to go through something like this again, these reconnections are a silver lining that I’m very grateful for.

Facebook. Who knew you’d be helping me keep my sanity one day? Certainly not me.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone! Until we meet in person, find me on Facebook!
-Liz, Teen/Outreach Services Manager