My Book Reading Log

Book Log inside

With the start of a new year upon us, I always find it fun to look back over the past year to see all the books I have read.  I did not read near as many as I wanted to in 2019, but that is OK.  The ones I did read were fun, challenging, and inspiring. 

Looking back, my favorite for the past year was, Never Settle: Sports, Family, and the American Soulby Marty Smith, the ESPN sports reporter.

One of the things I started doing years back was to write down the title, author, and date finished of each book I read. It has been fun to look over the list to see what I was reading at various moments of my life.  I can tell you the book I was reading when my sons were born and what I was reading on any of a number of trips or vacations.  Nothing is more telling about a person than seeing what a person reads.  It shows what they are passionate about how they spend their time. 

Book Log cover

As 2020 begins, I encourage you to keep a list. Pick up an old journal to write down your titles or create a spreadsheet on the computer.  Whatever method you come up with, you will be glad you did it. As time marches on, you learn quick that nothing is more valuable than your time. 

Happy reading!

-Jim Gill, Director

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