DPL Blog

The 641’s

Let’s chat about the 641’s. I don’t like to shelve the 641’s. I don’t like to take people to the 641’s. I don’t want to look at the 641’s. See, when I see them, I take them home with me. That’s my problem. The 641’s are the cookbooks.  I love to cook, and most of all, I love to eat.

If you know Dover Public Library, then you know we have an awesome collection of cookbooks. You like to bake? We have cake books, cookie books, bread books, step-by-step how to bake cookbooks. We have pizza, pasta, pies and tarts cookbooks. Southern, Northern, Mid-western cookbooks, Irish, Greek, Italian, Mexican cookbooks. Serious Barbecue cookbooks. Home cooking, restaurant chefs, vegetarian and Amish cookbooks. Cookbooks on soup, how to make it, store it, enjoy it. Want to learn to make jam? Put your own food up for the winter? Butcher you a cow or pig? We have a book for that.

365 Slow Cooker Recipes by Stephanie O'DeaJust get a crock-pot? Well, let me help you with some great crock-pot recipes! Check out 365 SLOW COOKER SUPPERS by Stephanie O’Dea. I Like this book because the author uses fresh ingredients in the recipes. Her daughter has food sensitivities, so the mother must really watch what the family eats. The recipes are quick and very easy to pull together, and oh so good.

THE COMPLETE IDIOT’S GUIDE TO EATING WELL ON A BUDGET by Lucy Beale and Jessica Partridge is good, too. I liked 365 WAYS TO WOK by Linda Drachman as well. If you have a picky eater, try DECEPTIVELY DELICIOUS by Jessica Sienfeld. I like quick and easy, so JUST ONE POT from the editors of Reader’s Digest, or any books with the words “One Dish Meals” are good if you don’t want to spend the time scrubbing pots and pans.

I could go on, but I think you’ve got the idea.

Check out a cookbook next time you’re in the library and mention this blog post to the librarian at the Circulation Desk. I will have a home-made treat for the first two people who mention this blog!

Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld



Adult Services & Interlibrary Loans

Hidden treasures of Tuscarawas County

As the newest addition to the Dover Public Library staff (and just as new to the field of local history), I find it necessary to seek out opportunities for continuing education. While visiting the Tuscarawas County Genealogical Society in Dennison, I discovered one such opportunity promoted by flyer: The Ohio Genealogical Society conference in Sandusky, OH. As expected, I met researchers and librarians and began to understand some of the more common dilemmas faced on both sides of the desk. I became aware of general resources and how to make the most of them. What I didn’t expect was to connect with an absolute treasure trove of Tuscarawas County records. At a presentation entitled “Ohio Local Government Record Collections,” I discovered that The University of Akron holds many old Tuscarawas County records that are not available elsewhere. During the presentation, copies of old court docket records flashed across the screen with location names like “Dover Township,” “Goshen Township,” and “Newcomerstown.” What was the content of this record group? The presenter was using these records as a way to illustrate how one can track down ancestors that may not have been wealthy enough to leave wills and deeds, and/or who stepped outside the boundaries of the law. In these books one can find examples of paternity suit petitions, assault claims, still owners, and more. While trying to fill in the gaps along the branches of our family trees, these and other records in the collection at University of Akron may help us locate missing relatives who may have strayed a little off the beaten path.


I paid a visit to the archives at U of A to see these records for myself. The staff, especially Mark Bloom, was very courteous and willing to help. While the handwriting in some of the docket books requires special deciphering skill, there is plenty of fodder for local history buffs and genealogists, including some old newspapers (one written entirely in German) on microfilm that are not currently held by Dover Public Library.


Mark was kind enough to send me some images of the resources they have available, and here is the link to their website: http://www.uakron.edu/libraries/archives/
I highly encourage those of you with the means and the desire to make the trip to Akron and spend an afternoon rediscovering the Tuscarawas County of your ancestors. You never know what treasures you may find!

Der Deutsche Beobachter June 10 1869

Goshen twp clerk of court page 100 and 101

The benefit of book clubs…

I have always beeB.Y.O.B.: A New Type of Book Clubn one of those readers who rereads favorite books. For those most part, every book I read is one I would consider rereading, and I have100 Book Club Logo occasionally finished a book only to immediately restart it. I find that I pick up on more the second (or third, or fourth…) time around, especially when it comes to the humor in a book. Sometimes, you just can’t appreciate all the puns and foreshadowing until you actually know what happens. Basically, I love rereading books.

That being said, rereading has led me into major reading ruts and slumps. I’ll stand there, looking at my bookshelf of usual choices and think, “Maybe I’ll read Harry Potter again. Nah…what about ‘Salem’s Lot. Eh, just not in the mood for that either. Jane Austen? Grrrr!” Frustration ensues. At times like this, I miss being in school, where at least I was told a few new books to read each semester. Even if I didn’t always like them, at least I was reading something new.


Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle LogoI’ll admit, I always considered myself someone who could pick my own books and who wasn’t interested in reading books because someone else told me to. Tuesday Night Book Club1 copyIn reality, though, a little guidance is sometimes really helpful! Enter book clubs. I’ve only started getting into book clubs this year. As I said, in theory I dislike <em>having</em> to read a book that I didn’t necessarily choose myself. Fortunately, we have a variety of different types of book groups here at the library. From our traditional CLSC and Tuesday Night book clubs to the new B.Y.O.B., where I choose a book within a specific theme, to the 100 book club where the only rule is no rereading, there really is something for every reader. Participating in a book club gives me the guidance and incentive to broaden my reading horizons, and I haven’t had a bad experience yet. Instead, I’ve had a chance to discover some new titles that I <em>never</em> would have picked up on my own, but loved just the same. I still love rereading books–now I just have more titles to pick from. 🙂

-Kathryn, Adult Services



Who is Lizzie Bennet?

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Bernie Su and Kate RorickMost of the books I take home from work have a nice bright red YA sticker on their spine. It’s rare for me to geek out over an adult fiction title, so I almost marked June 24, 2014 on the calendar. Because I saw a book come in that made me jump up and down. There may have even been dancing. And it wasn’t even by Meg Cabot.

The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet by Kate Rorick and Bernie Su is a print adaptation of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, an online, transmedia adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, which happens to be my favorite book of all time.

But, wait. I may have lost you at “transmedia.”

For those of you who don’t waste hours on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, here’s how The Lizzie Bennet Diaries works. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a series of short videos featuring Ashley Clements as Lizzie Bennet, a graduate student studying communications. The videos are part of a project for one of her classes, but soon grow to include not only her classmate Charlotte (played by Julia Cho), but also her sisters, their friends, and eventually, yes, Mr. Darcy. There are 100 core videos from Lizzie Bennet, but other characters have their own videos, as well as social media accounts for viewers to follow and comment on. In this way, viewers become part of the story, and even get some of their questions answered by the characters in special FAQ videos. Unlike a TV series, where the viewers only have access to the characters in one way, the characters of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries come alive through their own social media accounts. Sometimes viewers even get to know the characters better than they know each other.

Who in the world thought of that? That would be Hank Green, brother of John Green. (You know, the author of The Fault in Our Stars.) Hank wanted to retell a novel through a video blog and chose Pride and Prejudice. And why not? It’s funny, romantic, and, very importantly, public domain. Which means anybody can retell it anyway he wants and not get sued.

I first heard about The Lizzie Bennet Diaries here at the Dover Public Library. It was during our first ever Read-In, and a young woman read from Pride and Prejudice and talked about how great an adaptation The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was. Well, that was a Saturday. By the wee hours of Sunday morning, I was hooked.

Skip ahead about a year and a half, and The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet crosses my path. There weren’t many surprises in it for me, as I’d watched and re-watched the series on YouTube, but it was one more new way to connect with the character of Lizzie Bennet. Even though the videos are her “diary,” there are things viewers don’t get to see on the Internet, or on the DVD set. For instance, the contents of Darcy’s letter. Pride and Prejudice fans, I know you know what letter I’m talking about.

I might not be the most objective reviewer in the case of Lizzie Bennet, but if you liked Pride and Prejudice, give her secret diary and her videos a shot. You might find something new to love in your favorite characters.

And, if you think this transmedia thing sounds kind of fun, check out Emma Approved, an adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma from the creators of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.



Teen Librarian



The Semi-Colon Project: Don’t Let Your Story End


I don’t think there was anyone out there who was not affected in some way by the stunning news that comedian Robin Williams took his own life.  How can someone who’s life conveyed joy and who’s gifts brought laughter to millions and millions of people leave us so tragically?  Robin Williams and his actions show us emphatically that depression and mental illness are things that cannot be soothed by money, fame, and success.  In light of this recent tragedy and as part of September’s suicide prevention month, Community Mental Healthcare of Dover is spearheading a suicide prevention campaign called “The Semi-Colon Project.  You are being challenged to reflect on your past, present, and future through a community writing contest.  A semicolon connects two independent clauses.  Think of your life as a sentence: your past is the first clause, you are the semicolon, and your future is the next clause.  Reflect on your “life sentence…”  What does it say?  Writers are asked to respond to this prompt in 1 to 2 pages.  There will be separate judging categories for high school students and the community at large.  Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category.

Things to Remember:

  • Semi-Colon Project Writing Contest runs through October 2nd.
  • Work can be dropped off at the Dover Public Library or the Tuscarawas County Public Library in New Philadelphia (please include your name, address, and phone #)
  • A community writing workshop will be held for writers at Bread Head Bakery in Dover on September 13th.  Call 330-602-2434 for details.
  • Crisis Hotline for those dealing with suicide:  330-343-1811
  • For more info, contact Community Mental Healthcare
  • To stay informed about The Semi-Colon Project, click on their Facebook page.
  • Partners include: Tuscarawas County Literacy Coalition, Dover Public Library, Tuscarawas County Public Library System, Newcomerstown Public Library, Gnadenhutten Public Library, Clark Memorial Branch Library, Claymont Public Library, The ADAMHS Board, Bread Head Bakery, Uncommon Grounds Coffee Shop, MT Cup Coffee Shop.

-Jim Gill, Director

Miracles of Marble Cove Series

Miracles of Marble Cove BooksThis series has 24 titles and chronicles the adventures of 4 very different women whose paths cross on Newport Avenue, a seaside neighborhood in the charming town of Marble Cove, Maine.  The women, all in different stages of life, also have something else in common: Each is starting over in some way. Each one has a second chance in life, and these second chances give our 4 friends untold opportunities to grow in faith, love and grace.

As these women learn, it’s never too late for a 2nd chance, no matter where you are in life. You might not start a new life in a new town, but each new day offers us a reset, a chance to move in a new direction, to take on a new attitude and see life with new eyes. Have your decisions taken you down the wrong path in life? Do you feel as if you’ve somehow gotten lost and can’t find your way home again?  Today is another opportunity to take steps to set things right.



– Technology Room Manager

YA for All!

I have Homeroom Diaries by James Pattersonbeen going through a reading slump lately. I take a book home, and for whatever reason, I just can’t seem to get into it. I read lots of book reviews, but sometimes you can’t really go by those, as each person’s tastes are different. So, having nothing to lose, when I hit my slump, I turned to YA.

YA means YOUNG ADULT. That area is located near the non-fiction side of our library. Liz Strauss, our Teen Librarian, does a wonderful job of ordering a wide range of books that will appeal to the most reluctant reader, the reader who has ‘read everything’, and to me, an ‘old lady’. Liz will often recommend books to me, as she knows what will pique my interest. Sometimes I even recommend books to her. (OK, that has only happened twice, because Liz is on it!)

I didn’t realize that many of my favorite authors have also written YA books: Kathy Reichs. Robert B. Parker, Carl Hiaasen, Neil Gaiman, David Baldacci, and of course James PattersonNot a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis. I stumbled upon Harlan Coben by reading his YA books, SHELTER, and SECONDS AWAY. Both were really great reads. Now, John Sandford has a new YA called UNCAGED. I just checked it out, can’t wait to get a day off to read it, and it’s book one of a series, so there are even more to come.

I enjoyed NOT A DROP TO DRINK by Mindy McGinnis, and THE COLDEST GIRL IN COLDTOWN by Holly Black. Holly will have a new book, THE IRON TRIAL (book 1 of the Magisterium series) out September 9th 2014, and Liz has me on hold for it for when it arrives!

So, if you just can’t seem to find anything to read, walk over to the YA area. You just might be surprised by what you find there!

Uncaged by John Sandford & Michele Cook



Adult Services & Interlibrary Loans