Me at the Overdue Open House
A Fellow came into the library the other day to send a FAX. He came up to the front desk and said, “Say, someone told me you can send a FAX from here, is the true?”
I said, “Yes, that’s true!” We discussed the price, $1.00 for the first page .50 cents for every page after that. You can receive a FAX for 25 cents a page We got to talking, and this fellow had never been in our library. So, I shared with him what we have to offer. For FREE.
For FREE, we have books of all kinds, newspapers, magazines, books on CD. We have comics and graphic novels. Books in Large Print, books for holidays, and books for children who can’t even read yet.
We have tax forms, Golden Buckeye forms, and you can register to vote here. Each month we offer a FREE magazine called THE BOOK PAGE that lists all the upcoming new books with interesting articles that will appeal to everyone.
We have laminating, for small and large items for $1.25 per foot.
We have classes to use the computers, a copy machine to print at 15 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents for color. You can copy info to a Flash Drive for free, and we will soon have them for sale. And ear buds if you want to listen to something on the computer. We have even have a notary for legal documents.
We have DVD’s and Music CD’s. When I told this fellow we have movies, he couldn’t believe we have them for FREE. Children’s movies, and books on CD are free for them as well.
We have a Lego club, a Drama Club, and Storytimes for kids.

Lego Club
We have three different types of book discussion groups that meet at different times of the day and evening.
We have programs for children, teens, and adults, from ages 0-105.
We offer wellness health related meetings with the Union Hospital and the OSU Extension office.
We have an Inter Library Loan service, where we get an item that the Dover Library doesn’t have at no cost to you.
We have displays that change monthly. You can share your collection here at the library in two of our glass display cases.
We have the Friends Of The Library who help the library in so many ways, like helping to bring in authors to speak, helping to purchase items that the library needs to run smoothly. They also run THE BOOK CELLAR, open each Wednesday from 10-1 and Saturday from 9-12. You can pick up some gently used books, DVD’s, and other items for a very small charge. Don’t tell my family, but that’s where I buy my books that I give them for Christmas.
What the library does not have
We do not have an ATM machine. We do not have a pop machine, and you can’t sleep here, sorry. Oh wait, you can sleep here when we do our library lock-in for the kids and teens.

Teen Lock In
I hope you discovered a new service you can use here at the library! See you soon!
Thanks for reading,
Adult Services