DPL Blog

Meet Mortimer the Blogging Moose!

Mortimer the MooseHello!

Mortimer here. You know, Mortimer? The Moose? You’re just confused because you didn’t realize moose could write blogs. Well, let me tell you, most can’t. But, lucky for me, Miss Pat taught me everything she knows about blogging.

Miss Pat is the Children’s Librarian at the Dover Public Library. Well, just for one more week. She is retiring. Retiring means leaving your work to spend more time with your husband and less time with your moose. I guess. Well. I will not cry, because moose don’t cry. Usually. Sometimes we do. Not today.

She is leaving me with Miss Dani. Miss Dani will be the Children’s Librarian now and take care of me. I hope Miss Pat teaches her everything she knows about taking care of moose. I require a lot of care. I need books. And kids. And those cute t-shirts. And music. And books. I like books.

Miss Pat told me to look at this as an adventure. That’s a good idea, because moose like adventures. In books, mostly. So I will look at this as a new chapter. I will never forget Miss Pat, but will hear brand new stories with Miss Dani. And I will still have all of you to visit me, right?
See you at the library!

-Mortimer the Moose

Volunteer of the Month: Sherry

SherrySherry has been named our Volunteer of the Month for February, 2016! Congrats, Sherry!


How long have you been volunteering at the library?

Since 2010


Why did you want to become a volunteer at the library?

I’ve had a life-long love of reading and my first job was at the Library while I was in High School. So, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to renew my interest when I retired.


What are some of your favorite authors?

Donna Andrews, J.D. Robb, John Sandford, and Catherine CoulterSherry Among the Books


What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer?

The great staff and the opportunity to be among the books


Thank you for all your hard work, Sherry!

Would you like to volunteer? Contact Wendy Contini for more information on how to help your library.

What I Learned From Keith Rathbun

Keith Rathbun

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”  –Rabindranath Tagore

The world lost a good man on Tuesday. Keith Rathbun, publisher of The Budget Newspaper in Sugarcreek, passed away suddenly while working at his desk. According to the obituary written by staff at The Budget, Keith “became publisher and part owner of Scene Magazine and was instrumental in the creation of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and keeping it in Cleveland.  He later moved to Sugarcreek and became publisher of The Budget Newspaper, a job he loved as he worked to serve the community.”  Here is the article published in The Times-Reporter.

I came to know Keith when he began serving with me on the board of the Tuscarawas County Literacy Coalition.  Keith was very passionate about literacy and it meant a lot to me to know he made some time to become involved with TCLC despite the fact that he was so busy in so many other community organizations. He said no to so many things and yes to TCLC. That commitment was something I always admired. If Keith was going to do something he did it well and he did it to the best of his ability. I have a quote taped to my desk that I found somewhere and each time I look at it I think of Keith: “It is better off doing a few things really well than a lot of things poorly.” My respect for him grew even more when Keith came to see me one day at the library to tell me he intended to resign from the TCLC board. His responsibilities with the Ohio Newspaper Association and the National Newspaper Association were growing and he felt he could not serve TCLC well by continuing to be the board’s membership chair. That impressed me so much because I often find myself over-involved with things. All good things, granted, but things that I feel deep down I am not doing well because I am spread too thin. Keith’s integrity and honesty moved me to make some changes in my own life. And for that Keith, my wife thanks you!

One day Keith and I met for lunch at Bread Head in Dover and he regaled me with tales of his days at Scene Magazine. He told me stories of interviewing Eddie Money, Paul McCartney, Angus Young, and others and how he still treasures his friendships with many of those music icons to this day. I told him he needed to write a book and I made him promise to keep the library in mind for a book signing when that time came. I asked Keith to do a talk on his Scene Magazine days at Dover Rotary and he brought down the house with his stories and unassuming style of downplaying incredible conversations and moments with American cultural icons. As a fellow Lutheran, Keith and I would talk faith now and then. I found myself sharing things with him that I have never told anyone else.

In the end, Keith will be remembered not for his stories about a life in rock and roll or his success in the newspaper business. He will be remembered for the way he treated people. He didn’t beat you over the head with religion but lived a life of humility and service and purpose that made you want to be a better person. He taught me that we impact people more by what we do than by what we say. Keith showed me that if you are going to do something, you do it full-go and that if you cannot you need to be man enough and honest enough with yourself and others to say so.

So that book idea won’t happen after all. But that’s OK when you think about it. The best thing Keith ever wrote was the way he chose to live his life. Each relationship, every commitment, and every passion he had exemplified the story of his life. That was his life story–the one he was writing the entire time. Each of us has a deadline issued by that great editor in the heavens. Do yourself a favor and make sure the story you are writing is one that is worth retelling. So long Keith and thank you for being a friend.

Keith Rathbun Obit

 Courtesy of The Budget

-Jim Gill, Director

‘Tis the Season for Christmas Specials

A Claymation ChristmasAs a kid, I loved them. As an adult, I still do. Christmas specials, people. Christmas specials. A Charlie Brown Christmas, with the little tree and Linus’s speech. An animated Fred Astaire dancing around with a bunch of forest critters. Scrooge McDuck holding onto Jiminy Cricket for dear life as they fly through the air. I can’t get enough of them and have a steadily growing collection of these classic Christmas specials on DVD.

One of my very favorite specials is Will Vinton’s A Claymation Christmas Celebration. For those of you who aren’t in the know, this special is from 1987. It’s about an hour long and features two bickering dinosaurs as masters of ceremony for a variety show of Christmas carols. Think Fantasia. With clay and Christmas. The California Raisins perform “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” Quasimodo directs an orchestra of bells in “The Carol of the Bells,” and three camels steal the show in “We Three Kings.” Each segment is animated using stop-motion animation and clay figures, sets, and props. Everything is made of clay.


Screencap from “Joy to the World” Animated by Joan Gratz

For years, one segment of A Claymation Christmas Celebration has confused me. “Joy to the World” always looked hand-drawn or painted to me. What was it doing in a claymation movie, anyway? This year, I finally learned Will Vinton’s secret. Her name is Joan Gratz, and she animated “Joy to the World” using clay painting. That’s right. It’s still clay. Watch the segment for yourself on YouTube. As a child, I loved the music and the colors of this segment. As an adult, I am blown away by the amount of time, energy, and talent that went into this two and a half minute song. It’s some of the most beautiful art that I’ve ever seen, and this year I got to see it with new eyes.

This Christmas, I hope you get to look at your own traditions with new eyes and see the time, energy, and talents that go into making Christmas the best time of the year.


Merry Christmas!


Teen Librarian



From the Cellar

This month I would like to draw your attention to a collection that I recently processed and made available in The Roots Cellar: Subject Files. These are articles, pamphlets, and booklets that contain information relevant to the history of Tuscarawas County. Some of these came to me from an old vertical file maintained for years in a filing cabinet in the director’s office, others I added while searching for obituary requests or old photos in our microfilm collection. I found one such treasure in the February 25, 1965 issue of The Daily Reporter while looking for information on St. Joseph’s football team for a patron. This issue contains a plethora of Dover history. In the 27 pages of this file (searchable in our catalog by the title: “Take a good look: and see the wonderful community in which you live – Dover”) one can find things like a list of Dover Mayors, what Christian Deardorff and Jesse Slingluff paid for the 2+ acres in 1806 ($4622.00), information on the Tuscarawas County Children’s Home, pictures of our library (current building and the previous house), an article on Jeremiah Reeves, a photo of the plane that crashed in the middle of Walnut Street in 1943 (killing Addie Wendling, Edward Early, and Edward Early, Jr., his 12-year-old son), The Little Theatre, Dover Historical Society, the Basketeers, and yes, there is a picture of the 1946 St. Joseph football team. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of topics found in this issue of The Daily Reporter; let me just say that if you are conducting research on any aspect of Dover history, there is a good chance this file holds some valuable information.

subject files


Check the local history section of our website for a complete list of subject files, and drop by The Roots Cellar on Thursdays to immerse yourself in the wonderful history of Dover.


Na-No What Now?

There’s only 10 left in November! That means there’s only 10 days left in NaNoWriMo!

NaNoWriMo? What’s that? How do you say it?

It’s National Novel Writing Month, the month when writers everywhere try to write a whole 50,000 word novel in 30 days. I’ll save you the math: that’s about 1,667 words a day, for 30 days. For a normal typist (40 words per minute), that’s about 42 minutes of straight typing per day. I’m a fast typist (60 words a minute), but writing 1,667 words takes me about an hour.  Either way, that’s a lot of typing.

And it’s pronounced “Nan – Oh – Wry – Mo”

As the organization says on their website, “Valuing enthusiasm, determination, and a deadline, NaNoWriMo is for anyone who has ever thought about writing a novel.”

And it’s certainly one way to do it, though it’s no easy task.

Every year, I try to do NaNoWriMo. First, I’m excited. What will I write this year? Sci-fi? Fantasy? A cheesy vampire novel? I do some planning and get a basic outline going for the story. Then November starts, and I start typing. And typing. And typing. Then I miss a day, get the flu, get busy making paper wreaths for a craft show… Life happens. And suddenly there are ten days left in November, and I’m short about 25,000 words.

Oh, well. There’s always next year.

Two years ago, I did get to 50,000 words. Here are a few tips I picked up for overcoming writer’s block and keeping the momentum going:

  1. Write something every day
  2. Stop writing in the middle of a scene – this forces you to get back into writing to finish it the next time you sit down
  3. Keep a general list of upcoming scenes so you know where you want to go next
  4. Don’t worry – this is a first draft.
  5. Seriously, it’s a first draft. Just write. Worry later.

NaNoWriMo may be ending, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait a whole year to write your novel. Make December your WriMo. Or make 2016 your WriYear. Make your own goal, set your own deadline, and write the book you’ve always wanted to.

Happy Writing!


Teen Librarian

PS: Link to my very favorite random writing tool: Write or Die by Dr. Wicked. Check it out.

It Came from the Cellar…




Since October is Archives month in Ohio, I thought it would be a perfect time to introduce a new feature of my local history blog: “From the Cellar.” About once a month I will choose an item or collection from The Roots Cellar in the basement of Dover Public Library to highlight in the post. Today I am excited to talk about a special donation we received from Phyllis Van Horn, and it takes us back to the very beginning of the place we call Dover.










Many Doverites might be able to tell you that Christian Deardorff was one of the co-founders of Dover, but know little beyond that basic fact. Did  you know his house was the site of the first store in Dover, and the site of the first township election? Did you know he was the first postmaster?


Thanks to the dedicated research of Walter and Phyllis Van Horn, all Doverites can now visit Dover Public Library to easily learn more about the man who carved Dover out of the wilderness. In one carefully constructed notebook one can find photos of Christian Deardorff and his family, copies of plat maps and handwritten land deeds, excerpts from different published histories including “The Portrait and Biographical Record of Tuscarawas County, Ohio – 1895” and W.W. Scott’s “Reminiscences of Dover,” prints and sketches of early Dover, transcribed and photocopied newspaper articles, Census and vital records, obituaries, copies of all of Deardorff’s land patents, tax lists, issues of the Dover Historical Society newsletter featuring articles about Christian Deardorff, and a copy of Margaret Deardorff’s will.


Walter and Phyllis spent years compiling this information from repositories around the state, and they generously donated the result to our local history archives here at Dover Public Library. As we bring Archives month to a close, I want to give Phyllis and her late husband a big H/T for being a champion of archives. Thanks to their tireless efforts, Doverites don’t have to work nearly as hard to learn more about their town fathers.

The featured collection is on display in The Roots Cellar at Dover Public Library and can be viewed Wednesdays and Thursdays 1-4 and 5-8.

To learn more about Archives month in Ohio, visit http://www.ohioarchivists.org/archives_month/
And don’t forget our digital record! Look here for digitized photos and collections from around the state:  http://www.ohiomemory.org/


-Claire Kandle, Local History & Genealogy Librarian