DPL Blog

A vision becomes reality.

It’s not often that what you dream keeps its shape when the dream takes physical form. The real world plays havoc with your visions, and what you get at the end, while it may be satisfying, usually looks quite a bit different.


I am pleased to say that our first edition of Tapestries of Tuscarawas County, a book of living memories, has taken shape and finally come to fruition. The best part? I couldn’t have dreamed it any better.

ttcThe stories in the book are from Tuscarawas County locals, sharing memories of childhood, adulthood, and old age. Those of us who live here will recognize descriptions of Tuscora Park, the county fair, and the homey, small-town feel of most of the stories. There are descriptions of growing up in town versus growing up in the country, people who made a difference in someone’s life, and sometimes even crazy surprises that can shock and amaze. “Only in T County,” I was tempted to say a few times.


What impresses me most about this book written by my neighbors is that so many of the stories dig down deep to the heart of what it means to me to live in Tuscarawas County, and I am a person whose love for my hometown came late. I was raised here, and as soon as I could, I fled. I lived all around Ohio, Arizona, and California, but eventually something brought me back home. And a bit of what drew me back like a magnet can be read in between the lines of this book. We all have our struggles and our bad days we long to escape, but home is something that grows up around you when you’re not looking. It steadies you, calms you, and gives you courage. It can be hard to search for and hard to define, but you know it when you’re there. That’s what reading this book does for me. It tells me I’m home.


Look for copies to be available this fall at Dover Public Library – for only $8 you can share the experience of the place that you call home through the eyes of others who feel the same way. Join us at the book reception, Saturday November 5 at 6:00 p.m. to get your copy before they are gone!


– Claire Kandle

Local History Librarian

Super Mortimer to the Rescue! With Candy!

Super Mortimer CertifiedHello!  Mortimer here again!  Maybe you didn’t recognize me because I am in costume!  I am SUPER MORTIMER, to the rescue!  Why?  Well, because Halloween is next month and I have to get ready!

Ok, so Halloween is when you dress up in a disguise and go trick-or-treating to get candy!  Yay!  I thought about dressing up like a moose again this year, because moose are my favorite animal, but then I know you wouldn’t recognize me at all and I might miss you.  So I will be Super Mortimer instead!

I want to walk in Dover’s Halloween Parade with the Dover Public Library’s little Tornadoes Reading Club on October 26 at 6:00 if my mom says it is ok!  If we walk in the parade, we will get our very own bag of candy!   Will you be there?  YOU could dress up like a moose!  How cool would that be?

If you didn’t do the Little Tornadoes Reading Club, (why not???) you could still come watch me walk in the parade!  I will give you extra candy if you yell something awesome like, “long live the moose!”  Yes, that will be our secret candy code!  When I hear you yell that, I will rush over with extra candy and next year you’ll walk in the parade with me!  Yay!

-Mortimer the Moose

Volunteer of the Month: Taylor

Taylor shelving at the book saleThrow the confetti! Strike up the band! Our Volunteer of the Month for September is Taylor!


How long have you been volunteering at the library?

Almost a year


Why did you want to become a volunteer at the library?


I wanted to become a volunteer at the library to learn how the library works and to see what it takes to be an employee at the library.


 Who are some of your favorite authors?

  • James Patterson
  • John Green
  • Gail Carriger
  • Richelle Mead
  • C.C. Hunter
  • Cassandra Clare


What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer?


Learning how the library works


Thanks for everything that you do, Taylor! We appreciate all your hard work and dedication to helping the library.


Would you like to volunteer? Contact Wendy Contini for more information on how to help your library.

End of Summer Reading — Beginning of Little Tornadoes Reading Club

Mortimer Moose here again!  Did you miss me?  I have some very bad news today – I did not win any summer reading prizes.  Bummer.  Good news – I read a lot of great books and got a FREE book to keep!  Yay for free books!  Did you get a free book?  Can I read yours?  Please?  I think I will win lots of prizes next year, since moose are usually very lucky.

I am excited about the fall Footnotes that will come out in the fall, I believe.  There are lots of new programs to get me by until the next summer reading.  I wonder when fall reading starts.  And winter reading and spring reading? WHAT?!  There is only SUMMER reading?!  I’m going to go into prize withdraw!  Medic!  Medic!

Little Tornadoes Reading Club LogoOh, wait! I almost forgot about the Little Tornadoes Reading Club! That’s just as good as a fall reading program. Not only do we get to read sports books, everyone who finishes the drills will get football game tickets, a club t-shirt, and a membership card! There’s also some great events for club members like a Gridiron story time with the Dover Tornadoes! So awesome! I’ll let the other events be a surprise. *Moose Wink*

Come visit the Children’s Department and tell Miss Jen you want to sign up for the Little Tornadoes Reading Club! Then we’ll be in a club together! How fun will that be?

Your Pal,

Mortimer Moose

Volunteer of the Month: Carl

volunteer Carl with boxCongrats to our Volunteer of the Month for August: Carl!


How long have you been volunteering at the library?

3 Years


Why did you want to become a volunteer at the library?

A way to give back to the community


Who are some of your favorite authors?


Box, Baldacci, Patterson, Gavis, Deaver, Sanford, Castillo


What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer?

Just being around the library and talking with the staff


Thank you for all your help, Carl!


Would you like to volunteer? Contact Wendy Contini for more information on how to help your library.

5 Things I’ve Learned in 5 Years

Snakes in the Library Poster

One of my favorite posters for one of my favorite events: Snakes in the Library!

This July, I’m celebrating 5 wonderful years working at the Dover Public Library. I feel like it was only yesterday that I did my first official teen program (Silent Library) and had fifteen people show up (five were registered). I’ve learned a lot during my time here, much more than what I learned in Library School. Since I’m celebrating 5 years, here are my top 5 things I’ve learned while working here.

  1. Microsoft Publisher is the Bomb

A few years back, Jim asked me to take over designing the library’s newsletter, Footnotes. I was excited for the challenge. I got to learn fabulous new tricks on Publisher like Master Pages and Color Schemes, tools I hadn’t needed in the past. Before I started at the library, I was all about Photoshop. Now I barely use it. Publisher is where it’s at for posters and other random library projects.

  1. Minecraft May Be the Best Game Ever Invented

    Minecraft Screenshot

    A screenshot preview of my Platform 9 3/4 for this summer’s Minecraft Lock-In

I see a lot of Minecraft in the Library. I was sceptical at first about this game that looks a lot like LEGOs and has no rules, no plot, and no guide. Then I tried it. Because there are no rules, no plot, no guide, you can make the game whatever you want it to be. It makes you think: What do I need to survive? It lets you get creative: What can I build now? It lets you fight a dragon. Beat that, LEGOs.

  1. Teaching a Tech Class is Not as Hard as Teaching Mom to Play a Video Game

I was very nervous the first time I had to teach a tech class. I obsessed about getting everything exactly perfect. Since that first class (on eBooks, by the way), I’ve chilled out a bit. I finally figured out that if I have the patience to walk my mom through playing Skylanders, I have the patience to help people learn how to make a poster in Publisher. (Love you, Mom.)

  1. When in Doubt: Google

I feel many a researcher cringing at this one. BUT: how do I start numbering pages at 1 in the middle of a Publisher document? Why is this error coming up on a patron’s Kindle? How can I unlock my iPad when it’s asking me for a passcode that I never even set up? Google knows! For tech support especially, Google is my best friend. That’s something they neglected to mention in school.

  1. Teen Volunteers at Haunted Library Program

    Awesome Teen Volunteers hanging out at the Haunted Library event last year.

    Teens are Awesome

In Library School, one of my professors said that to work with teens you have to have a thick skin. This worried me because
no one in my life would describe me as “thick-skinned.” But I’ve learned something in five years of actually working with teens: they’re not half as bad as you think they are. Yes, they like their food. Yes, they can be loud. Yes, they sometimes make incredibly awful jokes about Hitler. (Why Hitler? I… don’t know.) BUT they will also play with balloons and play dough, give you ideas for programs they want to do, and help you vacuum the Community Room. Throw in Phantom of the Opera themed Gingerbread Houses, Pac-Man themed volcanoes, and a new cosplay outfit every week, and you’ve got some idea of how awesome teens are.


So, that’s it, folks. The things only Dover Public Library could teach me. Thank you for a great five years. Here’s to many, many more!


-Liz Strauss

Teen Librarian


Volunteer of the Month: Judy

JudyCongrats to our Volunteer of the Month for July! Thank you for all that you do to help the library, Judy!

How long have you been volunteering at the library?

Around three years

Why did you want to become a volunteer at the library?

I love to read and have been coming to this library for around 25 years. The staff is great. After I retired I thought it would be a great place to volunteer.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

I read many authors who write books about the Amish. I also like James Patterson, Jude Deveraux, and Linda Castillo.

What do you enjoy most about being a volunteer?

Working with the staff and the feeling that I can help out.


Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication to the library, Judy. We can’t thank you and our other excellent volunteers enough for everything that you do!

Would you like to volunteer? Contact Wendy Contini for more information on how to help your library.