DPL Blog

Think Spring…

Plant Library illustration“With the good sunny days we have been having, it’s great to get outside and enjoy just being outside.  I love when winter gets out of the way and warm spring comes and takes it’s place. Now watch, I will have cursed us, and we’ll have snow and cold weather.” – Me about a month ago


Well, we can still plan ahead, right? For when Spring is here for real?

 I, for one, have been planing on just what flowers, vegetables, and new seed items I want to plant. We have a seed library for those who like to garden. It’s open to anyone in the community,  and the seeds are free. Everything is located in the old library card catalog. If you aren’t sure what a card catalog is, come to the front desk, and we’ll show you. You can take any seed packets, plant the seeds, watch them grow and bring back some seeds from the plant if you can. We take seed donations, too.

 We have our annual Seed Library Plant Sale on Saturday,  May 6th from 9 to 12. You can find plants for your yard , some yard art, crafts, and other garden items. All for a donation. If you wish, you can donate plants that you need out of your yard. Yes, we will take hostas. All proceeds will help the Seed Library keep planting. 

Please call us here at the Library at 330-343-6123 if you have any questions!

NOW, let’s all think good, warm thoughts, and maybe, just maybe, this cold wind will go away.


-Denise Campbell-Johnson, Library Assistant & Plant Enthusiast

So let’s talk about book clubs…

Keep Calm and Join a Book ClubWhen it gets down to it, books, reading, and the culture of books and reading have always been the public library’s “bread & butter.” A great way to celebrate that culture is to get involved in a book club. Book clubs are everywhere and not just at the public library. Churches sponsor and promote book clubs, as do private groups of friends and families. Even sports teams have discussion on a common book. Coaches often see reading and experiencing a common book as a great team building experience. At its most basic level, book clubs bring people together and creates community through the shared experience of reading the same book.

Each year the county Literacy Coalition sponsors One Book, One Community on that same concept: let’s get one book in the hands of thousands of people and discuss it. Let’s put aside our differences and our backgrounds and our economic and educational differences and find common ground.

At the Dover Public Library, we offer several book club options at various times on different days of the week. The Tuesday Night Book Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The focus of this group is variety and popular fiction and non-fiction. B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Book Club) meets offsite at restaurants and pubs on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Each month the group uses a different theme. For example, one month it may be Ohio authors or British mysteries. The next it could be plays or Civil War non-fiction. Another library book club is called the Chautauqua Literary & Scientific Circle, or CLSC, which meets on the last Thursday of each month at noon. This book club reads books on the Chautauqua Institution’s book list. Participants are given the opportunity to apply for “graduation” through CLSC, which is the oldest continuous book club in America.

In the end, book clubs are not only challenging and inspiring but great social opportunities as well. Let’s face it: we were not put on this planet to walk alone. If you love reading, we encourage you to connect with other bibliophiles at the Dover Public Library. Who knows, it may just change your life!

-Jim Gill, Director

Time to Check Out Your Future!

The Dover Public Library has been proudly serving the community of Dover, OH, since 1902. Our current building, started in 1954 and opened in 1955, is in need of some very important updates such as modern wiring, more accessible shelving, and dedicated Teen and Local History rooms. Check out this video for our 2016 report and the highlights of our renovation plan.

While putting together this video, I had the opportunity to look back at all the great events we have had here at the Dover Public Library over the years. We’ve learned so many things about animals – snakes and lizards and turtles, oh my! – about science, about writing and publishing, even about yoga. We are so much more than books – or our building.

But when you look around the library, really look, you start to see the pieces of furniture that have been here since we opened in 1955. Tables and chairs photographed in our grand opening are still here in the Lounge and the Teen Zone. We still use a few of the same book carts; the basement shelves are exactly the same; we haven’t even gotten a new circulation desk. And these are just the things that we can see. What we can’t see is the wiring that was not designed to handle all the technology a modern Public Library uses. Without an update to the wiring, keeping up with our technology needs is going to be a real struggle.

Some would say it already is.

What most patrons don’t see is the Processing Room downstairs. Yesterday afternoon, there were five of us trying to work on our various projects at once. There were only two computers we could use to input new materials into our system to get them ready for check-out.

I look forward to the day when adding a new computer doesn’t come with added worry about where to put it or how to hook it up. Better accessibility, more space for teens, and easier access to Local History Materials will make me even prouder than I already am of our Library and of our Community.

We are more than our building, but having a building that fulfills our community’s needs definitely helps us provide the very best for our patrons.

-Liz Strauss, Teen Librarian

To learn more, or to help, please visit: https://www.doverlibrary.org/capitalcampaign/

Favorite Movies

Ugly Dachshund and Sabrina You might think that people have one particular favorite movie, but that is not the case for me! I have several that I would call my favorites, ranging from old classics to Dirty Dancing and Star Warscurrent movies. Some of my favorite titles are The Ugly Dachshund, Sabrina, Charade, To Catch a Thief, Move Over Darling, Dirty Dancing, and any Star Wars or Star Trek movie. Believe me, that list could go on! I often check out an old movie for the weekend, and if I get time, I will burrow into my sewing room with a project, pop in a movie, and relax for a couple of hours.

I am fortunate enough that I get to order our movie selection for the library, so I see a variety of genres come in. With some of the selections, it’s hard to tell if they will be good or not by their descriptions, but it is fun to read about them and develop the library’s collection. We have a wide variety of movies and TV series, and we are always up for any title suggestions you may have.

Hope to see you soon checking out our large movie collection!

Wendy Contini

Technical Services Manager



PS: If you like Classic Movies, too, be sure to join us every Monday at 2:00 PM for our Classic Movie Mondays! This week, I hear we’re watching the fabulous Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron in a classic musical set in Paris. 😉

“Napkin Notes” by Garth Callaghan

 Napkin Notes by Garth Callaghan“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.”

-Maya Angelou

“Normal is a setting on a washing machine. Be awesome.”


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

-Mark Twain

“Dear Emma, if I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then would you realize how special you are to me. Love, Dad”

-Garth Callaghan


These are just a few of the napkin notes that the author packed in his daughter’s lunch bag every morning. His promise was to write 826 napkins so that Emma, his daughter, would have one every day until she graduated from High School.

He started making lunches and packing napkin notes when she was small. After Emma turned twelve, her father Garth was diagnosed with kidney cancer. The prognosis was not good. Garth was diagnosed with cancer four time and was given an 8% chance to live long enough to see his daughter graduate from High School.

I found this book to be very inspirational. The big message is to treasure what is really important – relationships and friendships that matter. Emma started to save all her Dad’s notes. There would never be any doubt what her Dad believed in and what he stood for.

Pack. Write. Connect. Life is short, and Napkin Notes by Garth Callaghan is a positive statement about hope.


-Jan Ridenour

Technical Services Specialist

Christmas Time is Here

God Bless Us Everyone by Annie TiptonWell folks, it’s here! The tree is up, lights are on the porch, wreaths hung on the doors. Our favorite sitcoms are planning their holiday specials and every commercial is promoting the latest Christmas sale.  If you often feel like Luther Krank in John Grisham’s, “Skipping Christmas,” and are tired of the commercialized mess of the modern Christmas season, then I encourage you to take a deep breath and to considering coming to hear author Annie Tipton on Thursday, December 15 at 6:30 PM

discuss her new book, “God Bless Us Every One! Devotional Inspiration from  A Christmas Carol.” Tipton write’s: “Alongside scenes from the beloved Charles Dickens classic, you’ll learn eternal lessons of charity, kindness, goodwill, heart-transformation, and more.”  Who isn’t influenced by the story of Tiny Tim and Ebenezer Scrooge?  I encourage you to come and be renewed this Christmas season. Annie will discuss her new book, writing, and more. Pick up a signed copy of Annie’s book for a gift for a loved one! All welcome at this free event. In the immortal words of Ebenezer Scrooge: “God Bless Us Every One!”

Mortimer the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Rudolph the red nosed reinderRudolph the red-nosed reindeer here!  I am so important because I lead Santa’s sleigh!  Yeah, LEAD the sleigh!  That’s right, I’m a VERY important Moose…errr, I mean reindeer.  And I fly!  How cool is that?!  My mom was just telling me the other day, “Mortimer, you are a very important moose!”  Oh, I meant “Rudolph” instead of Mortimer.  Oh, and “reindeer” instead of moose.  Flying so much makes me forgetful.

Anyway, I want to tell you that my best bud Santa will be here at the library Thursday, December 15th for pictures and stories and ho ho ho’s!  Yea Santa!  I’m sure he will ask me to light up the whole room with my bright nose, which might be too bright for inside, so maybe not.  Still, it will be an awesome evening!  I’ll see you here at 5:45!  Oh, and don’t forget to call and sign up!  Just tell them you heard it from Mortimer the red-nosed reindeer!  No, I mean Rudolph the red-nosed moose.  No, wait…

Just come, and we’ll work out the details later…