Read 100 Books in a Year
Make it your New Year’s resolution to read more this year. The goal is to read or listen to 100 books between January 1 and December 31. Here’s how it works:
- Membership is open to readers ages 6 & up.
- Members must read or listen to the title themselves.
- You can join at any time during the year, but only titles completed before December 31 will count.
- Each title can only be counted once per calendar year.
- Paperbacks, hardbacks, large print, graphic novels, eBooks, audiobooks, and eAudiobooks count. Magazines and comic books do not count, nor do picture books that are read by patrons over age 10.
- Participants who have read 100 books in the calendar year must submit their reading logs to the library for verification. Once verified, these patrons will become Club Members and receive a club t-shirt, a membership card, and an invitation tothe DPL’s Annual 100 Book Club recognition reception.
We challenge you to become a member of the Dover Public Library 100 Book Club! Interested? Stop by the Library to pick up your personal reading log. Join the coolest and most prestigious book club around!
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