This summer, the Dover Public Library will be introducing a new book club called the B.ring Y.our O.wn B.ook club: B.Y.O.B. Unlike traditional book clubs where all members read the same thing each month, B.Y.O.B. members each read a different book of their choosing within a certain theme or genre. Another difference: B.Y.O.B. will meet at a different local establishment each month, starting at Krocker’s Bar & Grill in downtown Dover. Sound interesting? Join us June 19 at 7 PM at Krockers Bar & Grill to see what it’s all about. We’re starting out with “fiction,” so bring along a favorite novel or a recent read–anything goes! If you enjoy books, beverages, and great conversation, then B.Y.O.B. is the book club for you.
B.Y.O.B. meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 PM beginning June 19.
For more information and to register, call 330-343-6123 or email librarian Kathryn Green at